Are You Looking for Productive Activities to Do During Retirement?

Contrary to common belief, retirement does not mean the end of your productive years. Studies show that the more active a retiree is, the longer he or she will have to live. I'm now 67 years old but still interested to do things I love to do. Being productive may not necessarily refer to monetary terms.

There are examples of persons with astounding accomplishments even in their senior years.       

George Burns won his Oscar at 80 and continued writing plays at age 91

Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel at 71 and served until age 76

Bounarotti Michaelangelo painted the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel at 66

Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame never fried any chicken until he was 65

Albert Schweitzer was still performing surgery in Africa at 89.

Leo Tolstoy novel “War and Peace” fame, of learned to ride a bike at 67

Auguste Rodin was still doing finest scupture until 70

Giuseppe Verdi composed opera Otello at 70

Thomas Hardy continued his literary creation at 88

Anatole France had his literary creation until 80

Mother Teresa continued helping the poor until 83

Thomas Edison invented the telephone at 84

Elizabeth Arden managed her cosmetic company until 85

Frank Wright designed a civic center at 88                             

Peter Roget updated his thesaurus at 90

Leopold Stokowski signed a 6-year recording contract at 94

Pablo Casals still played the cello at 96               

(Source of names enumerated: an article written by Gil Fernandez in Health and Home 1995 edition)

You can emulate these people. But I’m pretty sure they are doing these things not for the money but for passion.