Are You Struggling to Make Your Budget Work?

Budgeting Principles

  1. Budgets are necessary evil. It is important to get a grip of your spending.

  2. Make it a habit to record all spending.

  3. Use budget app to save grief. YNAB is a popular app but it's not free. I use It's only one-time payment.

  4. Don't drive yourself nuts. Concentrate on categories which need to be cut and worry less on others.

  5. Watch out for cash leakages.

  6. Beware of luxuries dressed up as necessities.

  7. Allocate a reward for yourself

  8. Put tithes as a number 1 budget item. Give glory to God recognizing that  we are just stewards of His resources.

  9. Don't count on windfalls.

  10. Beware of spending creep. Use income increases to save more.

  11. Allocate all income to specific items. Consider it all spent. This is the essence of zero budgeting.

  12. Put your spending plan on paper.

  13. Consider this general budgeting rule: 10-20-70. 10% Tithes, 20% Savings, 70% Expenses/Lifestyle. This is also called the Prosperity Formula.